During the winter, the combination of dry and cold air, heavier diet and not enough water intake can take its toll on the quality of your hair. The hair can get really dry, frizzy and is more prone to breaking if you don’t provide it with necessary care and moisture. 

Since my hair is dry in general, it’s been a bit of a struggle to keep it in order during the cooler months of the year. My biggest problem is that my hair lacks hydration due to the fact that its wavy, dyed blonde and treated with a straightening iron on a regular basis. Finding  the right conditioner or a hair mask was mostly unsuccessful because most of these products didn’t do all that much for my hair, apart from making it easier to comb through.

Somewhere in the middle of October, kind people from the local hair product factory Stevan Still have sent me a small package for me to test. When they asked me what I wanted to test out, I picked out these three products that I knew would help me handle my voluminous mane. So let’s get right into the review.

Tokom zimskih meseci, kombinacija suvog i hladnog vazduha, jače hrane i malog unosa tečnosti može da značajno pogorša vaš kvalitet kose. Kosa često tokom hladnijih meseci postaje suva, naelektrisana i lomljiva ako se ne neguje na pravi način.

S obzirom na to da imam talasastu i veoma suvu kosu, veoma dugo sam tražila proizvode koji mogu uspešno da je obuzdaju obezbede joj neophodnu hidrataciju. Moja kosa je tretirana farbom i peglom za kosu, tako da mi je presudan korak u negi da koristim regenerator ili neku hranljivu masku za kosu koja će joj dati potrebnu vlagu. Velika većina ovih mackalica nije zapravo ništa ni radila osim toga što je pomogla da lakše rašlješljam kosu.

Negde sredinom oktobra (nisam zaboravila da uradim recenziju, već zbog obaveza na fakultetu nisam baš mogla da se posvetim blogu) dobila sam mali paketić na testiranje od divnih ljudi iz domaće kompanije Stevan Still. Kada su me pitali šta bih volela da probam, izabrala sam sam ova tri proizvoda koji su inače predviđeni za suve i kovrdžave kose. Pređimo sad na recenziju.


First product that I got is this small tube of silicone drops that add some shine to your hair ends and make them look less damaged. I really like product, because my hair is super frizzy when its clean and this little guy helps me keep everything in place without making my hair greasy. My only complaint is that the silicone drops don’t really have a fragrance to them, which would be kind of nice. Overall, the product is really affordable and it does what it says on the box. 4.5/5

Prvi proizvod su ove silikonske kapi koje dolaze u plastičnoj tubici od 30ml. One čine vaše krajeve sjajnima i pomažu da se ne vidi ako su ispucali i oštećeni. Veoma sam zadovoljna njima, zaista lepo obuzdavaju moju večito naelektrisanu kosu bez mašćenja. Jedina zamerka mi je to što ne mirišu uopšte, za razliku od nekih drugih kose sam probala. Generalno, kapi su veoma povoljne i rade ono što im je posao. 4,5/5


Let’s talk about this hair mask for a while. Do you know for how long I’ve been searching for a hair mask that will be perfect for my hair? I’m really glad to say that I have finally found my staple hair care item. This  olive oil hair mask is stunning. It’s a lot thicker than most hair masks and it hydrates not only your hair, but also your scalp, without greasing your hair of making it feel heavier. The smell is also really pretty. 5/5

Želim da vam kažem par reči o ovoj maski za kosu. Pre svega, ovo je definitivno najbolja maska koju sam ikada probala i koja je za moj tip kose savršena. Maska je sa maslinovim uljem i predviđena je za suvu i oštećenu kosu. Tekstura joj je mnogo gušća od maski koje sam ranije probala i odlično hidrira ne samo kosu, već i kožu glave, bez dodatnog mašćenja. Takođe, i miris joj je izuzetno prijatan, onako mediteranski. Ima sve preporuke. 5/5


Lux hair cream is a product that is supposed to give your curls some definition and moisture. It is applied on damp hair and it provides a protective film that keeps your curls nice and defined. To be honest, I’m not completely amazed with this one, because it does seem to make my hair a little heavy when applied to it. The reason for this problem might be the fact that I have a lot of hair and have to apply more product in order to get the effect. The scent is really pretty though, it reminds me of orange tic-tacks. 3.5/5

Until next time,

Sandra. 🙂

Lux krema za kosu je kremica koja pomaže da se oblikuju i hidriraju kovrdže. Nanosi se na vlažnu kosu i obezbeđuje kosi zaštitni film koji definiše vaše lokne i drži ih na mestu. Da budem skroz iskrena, ovaj proizvod i ja se nismo skroz našli. Kad ga nanesem, imam osećaj kao da mi je kosa nekako teška, što je najverovatnije moja greška pošto uglavnom stavim više kreme nego što bi trebalo. Miris je za svaku pohvalu, podseća malo na tik-tak od pomorandže. 3,5/5

Do sledećeg čitanja,


Sandra. 🙂