Among all online shopping websites, Aliexpress is probably the biggest and versatile of ‘em all. I doubt there is something that this website won’t have up for sale. You can get computer components, electronic gadgets, makeup brushes, jewelry and even clothes for incredibly cheap, too-good-to-be-true prices. And sometimes, the deal is too good to be true.

Since this website hosts thousands and thousands retail stores from Southeastern Asia, notably China and Hong-Kong, there is a lot of room for frauds and scammers. Unfortunately some people’s buying experiences on this site weren’t very positive. They got tricked into buying stuff that didn’t even deliver to their house or got products that looked nothing like they did in the picture. These things happen and they will in the future to all those inexperienced online shoppers who don’t know the basics of ordering from Aliexpress.


Here’s a couple of things you need to know when starting your online shopping adventure:


It’s important to watch for these scores, since they represent customer’s cumulative opinion about the seller. If the score is 90% or higher, that means that 90% of buyers were satisfied with what they got for their money. The higher the score, more likely it is that you will get just the item you wanted.




Checking feedback scores can give you good insight about the degree of satisfaction among the buyers. Feedback score is made out of three separate scores that show how pleased the buyer is about the product itself, communication with the store’s customer service and shipping time. The score give you a good idea about what you can expect when ordering something.




If a lot of people have ordered something before you, it usually means that it’s a good deal and that it isn’t a scam. Watch out for stores that don’t have a lot of buyers, they might try to trick you and take your money.




Comments are important. Feedback sections will tell you what other buyers around the world have said about the same item you want to order. Check for option ‘with pictures’ to see how the product looks like in reality. This safety precaution will make sure you don’t expect too much for your money.





When you’re in doubt about item characteristics or you need some extra info, feel free to contact the store’s customer service. It’s their job to explain everything you need to know about the product you’re planning on ordering, so why not use this option to avoid misunderstandings and feel safer about sending money abroad?





Sometimes, two very similar or even completely the same items will cost differently. Why pay more, when you can pay less? Compare the prices and you won’t feel like an ass when you order a product for 10$ when you could’ve gotten it half the price.




Aliexpress ships items worldwide. With that being said, the shipping prices range from 0$ to almost 100$ depending on the time that it takes to make delivery to your home country and the company that does the delivery. Free shipping is available to all countries, but be aware that delivery time is somewhat longer for products send by Standard Delivery Method (usually China Air mail). You might have to wait two to five weeks to get your items. But hey, at least it’s free.



Hope you learned something useful today.

‘Till next time,

Sandra. 🙂


During the winter, the combination of dry and cold air, heavier diet and not enough water intake can take its toll on the quality of your hair. The hair can get really dry, frizzy and is more prone to breaking if you don’t provide it with necessary care and moisture. 

Since my hair is dry in general, it’s been a bit of a struggle to keep it in order during the cooler months of the year. My biggest problem is that my hair lacks hydration due to the fact that its wavy, dyed blonde and treated with a straightening iron on a regular basis. Finding  the right conditioner or a hair mask was mostly unsuccessful because most of these products didn’t do all that much for my hair, apart from making it easier to comb through.

Somewhere in the middle of October, kind people from the local hair product factory Stevan Still have sent me a small package for me to test. When they asked me what I wanted to test out, I picked out these three products that I knew would help me handle my voluminous mane. So let’s get right into the review.

Tokom zimskih meseci, kombinacija suvog i hladnog vazduha, jače hrane i malog unosa tečnosti može da značajno pogorša vaš kvalitet kose. Kosa često tokom hladnijih meseci postaje suva, naelektrisana i lomljiva ako se ne neguje na pravi način.

S obzirom na to da imam talasastu i veoma suvu kosu, veoma dugo sam tražila proizvode koji mogu uspešno da je obuzdaju obezbede joj neophodnu hidrataciju. Moja kosa je tretirana farbom i peglom za kosu, tako da mi je presudan korak u negi da koristim regenerator ili neku hranljivu masku za kosu koja će joj dati potrebnu vlagu. Velika većina ovih mackalica nije zapravo ništa ni radila osim toga što je pomogla da lakše rašlješljam kosu.

Negde sredinom oktobra (nisam zaboravila da uradim recenziju, već zbog obaveza na fakultetu nisam baš mogla da se posvetim blogu) dobila sam mali paketić na testiranje od divnih ljudi iz domaće kompanije Stevan Still. Kada su me pitali šta bih volela da probam, izabrala sam sam ova tri proizvoda koji su inače predviđeni za suve i kovrdžave kose. Pređimo sad na recenziju.


First product that I got is this small tube of silicone drops that add some shine to your hair ends and make them look less damaged. I really like product, because my hair is super frizzy when its clean and this little guy helps me keep everything in place without making my hair greasy. My only complaint is that the silicone drops don’t really have a fragrance to them, which would be kind of nice. Overall, the product is really affordable and it does what it says on the box. 4.5/5

Prvi proizvod su ove silikonske kapi koje dolaze u plastičnoj tubici od 30ml. One čine vaše krajeve sjajnima i pomažu da se ne vidi ako su ispucali i oštećeni. Veoma sam zadovoljna njima, zaista lepo obuzdavaju moju večito naelektrisanu kosu bez mašćenja. Jedina zamerka mi je to što ne mirišu uopšte, za razliku od nekih drugih kose sam probala. Generalno, kapi su veoma povoljne i rade ono što im je posao. 4,5/5


Let’s talk about this hair mask for a while. Do you know for how long I’ve been searching for a hair mask that will be perfect for my hair? I’m really glad to say that I have finally found my staple hair care item. This  olive oil hair mask is stunning. It’s a lot thicker than most hair masks and it hydrates not only your hair, but also your scalp, without greasing your hair of making it feel heavier. The smell is also really pretty. 5/5

Želim da vam kažem par reči o ovoj maski za kosu. Pre svega, ovo je definitivno najbolja maska koju sam ikada probala i koja je za moj tip kose savršena. Maska je sa maslinovim uljem i predviđena je za suvu i oštećenu kosu. Tekstura joj je mnogo gušća od maski koje sam ranije probala i odlično hidrira ne samo kosu, već i kožu glave, bez dodatnog mašćenja. Takođe, i miris joj je izuzetno prijatan, onako mediteranski. Ima sve preporuke. 5/5


Lux hair cream is a product that is supposed to give your curls some definition and moisture. It is applied on damp hair and it provides a protective film that keeps your curls nice and defined. To be honest, I’m not completely amazed with this one, because it does seem to make my hair a little heavy when applied to it. The reason for this problem might be the fact that I have a lot of hair and have to apply more product in order to get the effect. The scent is really pretty though, it reminds me of orange tic-tacks. 3.5/5

Until next time,

Sandra. 🙂

Lux krema za kosu je kremica koja pomaže da se oblikuju i hidriraju kovrdže. Nanosi se na vlažnu kosu i obezbeđuje kosi zaštitni film koji definiše vaše lokne i drži ih na mestu. Da budem skroz iskrena, ovaj proizvod i ja se nismo skroz našli. Kad ga nanesem, imam osećaj kao da mi je kosa nekako teška, što je najverovatnije moja greška pošto uglavnom stavim više kreme nego što bi trebalo. Miris je za svaku pohvalu, podseća malo na tik-tak od pomorandže. 3,5/5

Do sledećeg čitanja,


Sandra. 🙂


I am one of those people who get really excited about limited edition products. If the label says ‘limited edition’ or ‘collectors item’, that’s pretty much enough to spark my interest about a makeup or cosmetic item. So you could say that I was pretty pleased when I got a three piece nail polish set in a giveaway that lovely Marija from blog Little Obsessions hosted. 

Jedna sam od onih devojaka koje obožavaju limitirana izdanja kozmetike i šminke. Ako na pakovanju piše ‘limited edition’ ili ‘colectors item’, moj uslovni refleks je da se zalepim za taj proizvod i  poželim da ga kupim. S tim rečeno, bila sam prilično srećna kad sam osvojila paketić u giveaway-u divne Marije sa bloga Little Obsessions zato što je u njemu bio i jedan mali set ESSENCE lakova za nokte.


The nail polish set comes from ESSENCE and it contains 2 opaque polishes with creme finish and one sparkly top coat nail polish with silver particles. The two solid color polishes are absolutely gorgeous and appropriate for fall: one is dark magenta and the other is a dark teal color. The top coat gives these dark and muted colors a nice, festive touch and is a nice refreshment in this set.

Ovaj set se sastoji od tri laka za nokte od kojih su dva standardni lakovi sa takozvanim creme finišom, a treći providni lak sa krupnim, srebrnim šljokicama koji može služiti kao top coat za praktično svaku boju. Boje su zagasite, izuzetno elegantne i uklapaju se u onu kategoriju ‘jesenjih nijansi’: jedan lak je tamno ružičast, a drugi tamno tirkizan sa primesama sivog.


Application is mostly smooth and full opacity is achieved with two thin layers of nail polish. It is more durable than most nail polishes I’ve used in the past, and it will stay untouched for at least 3 to 4 days.The brush is a standard one and it will take more than one stroke to fill in the whole nail. Nail polishes take some time to dry, so it’s best to apply them in thin layers in order to speed up the process. 

Lak se nanosi uglavnom bez problema i ne ostavlja one ružne tragove mazanja po noktu. Potpuna pokrivenost i puna boja se postiže sa dva tanka sloja. Ovi lakovi su za moj pojam prilično dugotrajni, s obzirom na cenu i ostaju netaknuti u proseku tri do četiri dana kad kreću da se krzaju po ivicama. Četkica je standardna i njome se mora preći barem dva puta da bi se cela površina nokta pokrila. Lak nije brzosušećeg tipa, te je potrebno pažljivo nanositi ga u tankim slojevima da bi se skratilo vreme sušenja.


All in all, I really like this set and will get a lot of use from it. Since I haven’t come across ESSENCE’s nail polishes before I got this set, I’m satisfied how durable they are and would love to try out some other shades.

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂

Sve u svemu, veoma sam zadovoljna ovim setom i mislim da ću uspeti da ga potpuno potrošim jednog dana. S obzirom na to da pre ovoga nisam imala prilike da isprobam ESSENCE-ove lakove, zainteresovana sam da probam one u redovnoj prodaji, što znači da ću verovatno uskoro kupiti još neke nijanse.

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂


Imam da vam priznam nešto. Umem da budem prilično aljkava što se tiče održavanja boje i redovnog farbanja. Dešava se da sačekam da prođe po 2-3 meseca i da mi izrastak postane već kritično velik da bih odlučila da je vreme da navučem frizerske rukavice i pobrinem se za to.

I have to confess something to you guys. I tend to get pretty sloppy when it comes to dying my hair regularly. Sometimes 2 or 3 months pass, and my hair grows out quite a bit until I decide it’s time to put on my gloves and deal with it.

Ovaj put je prošlo oko 2 i po meseca od poslednjeg farbanja i kao što se vidi na slici, kosa mi je u prilično očajnom stanju. Imam svaku moguću boju trenutno na glavi, od kojih mi je ova žućkasta prelazna boja verovatno najgroznija. Prirodna boja kose mi je srednje smeđa sa crvenkastim odsjajem, te mi je izuzetno teško da dobijem željenu boju bez prethodnog blajhanja. Većina ljudi sa Balkana ima isti problem sa crvenim pigmentom i farbanjem u platinaste i srebrne nijanse, pa se tešim da nisam jedina koja prolazi kroz iste muke.

This time it’s been about 2.5 month and as you can see it looks really, really bad. It seems that I have pretty much every color on my head at this point, which isn’t very flattering. My natural hair color is medium brown with a very warm undertone. Most people from Balkans have the same problem with neutralizing reddish pigment in their hair and trying to dye their hair lighter shades. With that said, it’s absolute pain in the ass to achieve a silver blonde hair color when you aren’t blessed with being naturally ash blonde or light brown.

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Farba koju ovaj put koristim je Stilova Pop Art farba specijalno prilagođena kosama našeg podneblja. Za razliku od prethodnih farbanja kada sam koristila samo C09 Silver Blonde, odlučila sam da ovaj put pomešam nju sa C19 Super Ash Blonde nijansom da bih testirala da li izvlači bolje žutilo iz moje prirodne boje. Sa Stilom sam uvek bila zadovoljna iako njihove farbe važe za agresivnije i sa njima sam postizala odlične rezultate, tako da verujem da će to biti slučaj i ovaj put.

Hair dye that I used this time is the one from a local company called Still which is specially created to neutralize red hair pigment that people from this part of Europe usually have. I’ve decided to switch it up a little bit and this time bought two different hair dyes: C09 Silver Blonde and C19 Super Ash Blonde which I’ll be mixing. Last couple of times I’ve used shade Silver Blonde which did a great job, but then I got curious whether mixing an ashy color would neutralize the yellow in my hair better. I guess I’ll have to try it out and see for myself.


Posle nanošenja farbe, sačekala sam oko 40 minuta da ona potpuno deluje (koliko i piše na kutiji), isprala je toplom vodom i šamponirala kosu i nanela masku kao i svaki put kad perem kosu.

After applying the hair dye, I let it develop for about 40 minutes and then rinsed it out with warm water and shampooed and conditioned my hair the way I always do. 

I dalje koristim isti šampon i masku za kosu koju sam spomenula u NEW IN postu i moje mišljenje o ovim proizvodima se nije promenilo. Odlični su u kombinaciji za suvu i farbanu kosu. Šampon je blag i lepo neguje kosu, a maska joj pruža odličnu hidrataciju i sprečava mršenje kose.

I am still using the shampoo and hair mask I showed you in my NEW IN post a while back and opinion on these products hasn’t changed. They are great for dry and colored hair. Shampoo is mild and nurturing and the hair mask gives your hair necessary moisture and helps you get rid of tangles. 


Krajnji rezultat posle farbanja i toniranja.

And this is the end result.



Kao što se da primetiti, koren kose je odlično pokriven i farba je izvukla svetlo pepeljastu boju koju je i obećala da izvlači. Kosa mi više nije toliko žućkasta kao prošli put i boja koju sam dobila je mnogo hladnija i ujednačenija. Nemojte paničiti ako vam kosa posle farbanja sivom ili pepeljastom farbom poprimi zelenkast odsjaj pošto je to skroz normalno. Posle jednog do dva pranja boja će se isprati i dobićete željenu nijansu. Pošto se i meni to desilo posle farbanja, tonirala sam celu kosu Gencijanom i dobila ovu ljubičastu boju koja je rešila problem.

As you can see, my roots are pretty light and ashy, and my hair is overally a lot cooler in tone than before. Keep in mind that your hair might turn out a little green at first (as did mine), but that is common with grey hair dyes and it is nothing to be concerned about since it will wash out over time. After rinsing out shampoo and hair mask I toned my hair with Gentian Violet which gave it the lavender and purple color. 



Da li biste se odvažile na farbanje u srebrno ili ljubičasto?

Would you rock silver or violet hair?

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂

NEW IN 01#

Danas ću vam pričati o nekim proizvodima koje sam kupila ili dobila na poklon tokom prethodnog meseca. Većina proizvoda spadaju u preparativu, ali se potkralo i nekoliko dekorativnih stvarčica.

Today I’ll be talking to you guys about some products that I have bought or gotten during the last month. Most of the products are cosmetic items, even though I sneaked a couple of makeup items in my shopping basket this time. 

Počinjem sa šminkom, pošto sam veoma uzbuđena zbog ovih nijansi za koje smatram da će biti savršene za ovu jesen.

I want to start with some makeup items, since I am super excited to show you guys these amazing fall appropriate shades. 

Prva stvar koju sam dobila na poklon je ova ESSENCE-ova paletica od četiri senke koja je izgleda iz neke limitirane kolekcije i koja se zove Come to Town. U okviru ove paletice se nalaze 2 skoro pa univerzalne senke koje se uz svaki izgled mogu kombinovati: srebrna i zlatna i 2 koje su u zelenim tonovima: svetlo zelena boja pistaća i tamno zelena. Sve četiri senke su srednje pigmentacije i izrazito šimeraste. Ova paleta je bila poklon iz giveaway-a, zajedno sa još nekim proizvodima koje ćete videti u ovom postu, od blogokoleginice Marije sa bloga Little Obsessions.

First thing that I got is ESSENCE’s quattro eyeshadow palette called Come to Town. I think that this small palette was a part of a limited edition of some sort and it has these two very versatile shades: gold and silver and two green eyeshadows: light pistachio green and dark forest green.All four eyeshadows have a lot of shimmer in them and are of medium pigmentation. I got this one from lovely Marija from blog Little Obsessions in a giveaway as with a couple more items in this post.

Sledeći proizvod koji želim da vam dočaram je AURINO rumenilo u toliko hvaljenoj nijansi Deep Wine. Zaljubila sam se u ovu boju na prvi pogled iako sam bila skeptična na početku kako će stajati na mom izrazito svetlom tenu i jednostavno sam morala da je kupim. Za sada sam jako zadovoljna kako se ponaša na mom licu, ali moram napomenuti da je ovo rumenilo neviđeno pigmentovano i da treba biti jako oprezan pri nanošenju. Nameravam uskoro da vam napišem recenziju za ovaj proizvod.

Next items I want to tell you about is AURA’s powder blush in shade Deep Wine. I fell in love with this color the first time I saw it. Even though I am very pale and wasn’t sure how this shade will fit me, I needed to get it. So far I am satisfied with how it behaves on my face, but I have to note that it’s necessary to be careful with application, since it’s ridiculously pigmented for a blush. I will do a review for this items as soon as I can because I feel like this is one of the more popular shades that AURA produces.


Još jedna stvarčica dolazi iz AURE, a to je njihov tečni karmin iz nove kolekcije u nijansi Mistress. Neću puno pogrešiti ako kažem da su ovi karmini zvezde čitave njihove kolekcije. Uzela sam najtamniju nijansu svega nekoliko dana po izlasku novih nijansi u prodavnice i za sada smatram da je pun pogodak. Mistress je veoma zanimljiva boja koja deluje u pakovanju braonkasto, dok se na usnama vidi da je u pitanju prelepa topla, zagasita boja šljive koja laska svakoj boji kože.

Another thing I bought from AURA is the liquid lipstick from the new collection in the shade Mistress. I’m not going to be wrong if I tell you that these liquid lipsticks are the absolute stars of AURA’s complete assortment. I got this lipstick because I was curious whether the rumors that these are fantastic buy were true and I am not sorry. Mistress is their darkest shade, and even though it looks somewhat brown in the bottle, it’s a very deep plum color which compliments almost every skin tone. 

ESSENCE-ovu I Love Extreme maskaru u crno-pink pakovanju mnogo ljudi hvali. Na njoj stoji da je zadužena da obezbedi volumen trepavicama i za to smatram da je odlična. Jedina zamerka je prevelika četkica kojom je vrlo lako umrljati se.

ESSENCE’s I Love Extreme mascara in black-pink packaging in another makeup item that I purchased during the last month. This one is for maximizing the volume of your lashes and as far as I’m concerned it does its job very well. My only complaint for now is the size of the brush. It is fricking enormous.

AVON-ova kremica za ruke sa kakaom i lotosovima cvetom je takođe bila jedan od poklona iz giveaway-a. Odlična je za normalnu do suvu kožu i obezbeđuje dobru hidrataciju bez mašćenja ruku. Bonus poene dobija za predivan cvetni miris.

AVON’s conditioning hand creme with cacao and lotus flower was also one of the giveaway gifts that I got. It’s great if you have normal to dry skin and it keeps your hands hydrated pretty well. Bonus points for a very pleasant scent that this creme has.


EUCERIN-ov pH5 losion za telo je takođe bio deo poklona, zajedno sa Baleinim gelom za tuširanje. Nisam nisam koristila ništa iz Eucerinove linije, pa mi veoma drago što mogu da sada istestiram nešto od njih. Ima prijatan, skoro medicinski miris i meku i hidratantnu teksturu. Posle nanošenja na kožu ostavlja nemasan film i ostavlja kožu mekom.

EUCERIN’s pH5 Body Lotion was along with Balea’s shower gel also a part of the giveaway gift. I’ve never used anything from Eucerin and I was exited to try this body lotion out. It has a pleasant, almost medical scent and a soft and hydrating texture. After applying it on your skin it leaves a non sticky finish and makes your skin soft.

BALEIN gel za tuširanje je takođe jedan od proizvoda koje pre ovoga nisam imala kod kuće. Balea je linija poznata po jeftinim, a dobrim proizvodima, te mi je drago što mogu konačno da probam nešto od njih. Nisam još uvek koristila ovaj gel, ali za sada mogu da kažem da mu je miris jako lep i svež i da verujem da neće biti problem da ga za neki mesec utrošim.

BALEA’s shower gel is also one of the products I’ve never tried, but wanted to for a long time. Balea is known to have cheap but good quality products so I am glad that I got this I haven’t used this shower gel yet, but as far as I’m concerned, it has a pleasant and fresh smell and I think I won’t be having a problem finishing this one in a few months.

SHAUMA šampon sa arganovim uljem za suvu i oštećenu kosu je bio tokom prethodnog meseca nešto što sam tokom svakog pranja kose koristila. Svaki preparat za kosu sa arganovim ulje automatski ima moje poverenje pošto su se pokazali odličnima. Ovaj šampon daje mojoj suvoj i talasastoj kosi potrebnu hidrataciju i pomaže da je lakše raščešljam.

SHAUMA’s argan oil shampoo for dry and damaged hair has been one of my staples in the last month. I am very satisfied any product that has argan oil as one of the main ingredients. It helps my hair get its needed hydration and leaves it soft and detangled. 

STIL-ova maska za kosu sa matičnim mlečom za oštećene krajeve je prijatno iznenađenje. Uprkos niskoj ceni, ono što dobijate je gusta maska prijatnog mirisa koja mnogo bolje hidrira od regeneratora.

STIL’s royal jelly hair mask for dry and damaged locks is a pleasant surprise. Despite its small price, what you get in a nice smelling, thick hair mask that does its job a lot better that a conditioner. 

I poslednji proizvod o kome ću danas pričati je FA Mystic Moments gel za tuširanje. Ova limitirana edicija gelova za tuširanje predivno miriše, pa mi je bilo teško da se odlučim za jedan gel. Na kraju je ipak izbor pao na ovaj sa šea buterom i mirisom cveća. Izuzetno je gust, kremast i mirise na začine i mošus. Što se mene tiče, ovaj gel za tuširanje može da prođe kao unisex.

The last item I want to tell you about is FA’s Mystic Moments shower gel. Okay, this limited edition of Fa shower gels smells divine. I wasn’t sure which one to get, so I bought this one that is with shea butter and passion flower. It is creamy, moisturizing and smells very spicy and musky. This one could totally pass for a unisex shower gel. 


To bi bilo to za današnji post. Nadam se da ste uživali čitajući o novitetima u mojem neseseru.

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

That was all for this post. I hope you enjoyed reading about latest items in my cosmetic bag. 

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award ✔

Uprkos mom obećanju da ću ovde biti redovna, nije me bilo poprilično dugo, za šta se izvinjavam. Imam tako običaj da se preko leta neviđeno ulenjim i da zapostavim društvene mreže.

Even though I promised that I’ll write posts frequently, I didn’t write one in quite a while, which I apologize for. Somehow I get super lazy during the summer and I don’t post as much as I should.

Danas odgovaram na izazov koji su mi pre neki dan postavile koleginice Miljana i Ivana sa bloga Lilo and Iv, za šta im se ovim putem zahvaljujem. 🙂

Today I am doing this challenge which my two friends Miljana and Ivana from Lilo and Iv, nominated me for. I want to thank them for nominating me, since I find these challenges really amusing. 


Pravila kažu:
  • Zahvali blogeru koji te je nominovao  
  • Okači Sisterhood logo  
  • Odgovori na deset pitanja iz posta u kojem si tagovana  
  • Postavi deset novih pitanja za blogere koje taguješ  
  • Taguj pet blogova ✔ 


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you ✔
  • Upload Sisterhood logo to this post ✔
  • Answer 10 questions from the post you were tagged in ✔
  • Write 10 new questions for bloggers you will tag ✔
  • Tag 5  blogs ✔


  1. Da li si zadovoljna kako se razvija tvoj blog?

Nisam imala neka očekivanja kad sam pokrenula blog, pa mi je jako čudno kad vidim da me ljudi zapravo čitaju. Najviše me iznenađuje to što u poslednje vreme imam mnogo posetilaca iz Indije i azijskih zemalja. Za sada sam prezadovoljna kako se sve razvija, iako sam i dalje u fazi istraživanja mogućnosti koje blogging pruža.

  1. Are you satisfied with the way your blog is developing?

I didn’t have many expectations when I first started my blog, so I find it really weird that people are actually reading my posts. My surprise was that I have a lot of readers from India and other Asian countries. Right now, I am really satisfied how my blog is developing, even though I am still in my experimental phase where I am figuring out what works best for me.

2. Koji blog bi volela da je tvoj?

Od domaćih blogova, neprikosnoveni po dizajnu i kvalitetu postova su mi Ilonin Makeup by Ilona i Ivin The Casual Princess. Pratim ih već duže vreme i divim im se na strpljenju i posvećenosti sa kojom plove blogerskim vodama.

2. Which blog would you like to own?

Makeup by Ilona and The Casual Princess are my favorites, when it comes to blogs from my country, because they have amazing and minimalist blog design and quality posts. These girls put so much effort in their blogs, it’s impossible not to be impressed. 

3. Da imaš pravo na jednu čarobnu moć, šta bi to bilo?

O ovome sam baš razmišljala pre neki dan i zaključila sam da bi verovatno najkorisnija moć bila nevidljivost. Kao mala sam bila fascinirana Hari Poterovim nevidljivim ogrtačem, pa bi ovo bila vrlo zanimljiva moć.

3. Which super power would you like to have?

I thought about this the other day and came to a conclusion that it would be super useful to have an ability to be invisible. I remember I was fascinated with Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak when I was a kid, so I think it would be interesting to own one.


4. Koji časopis redovno čitaš?

Slabo čitam štampane publikacije, pošto je najveći broj časopisa i tekstova dostupan u online formi. Do pre mesec dana mi je redovno stizala pretplata za ELLE i to sam volela da prevrtim dok pijem jutarnju kafu.

4. Which magazines do you often read?

I rarely read magazines that aren’t in the online form, because all of these publications are available on the Internet so I don’t find it necessary to buy these magazines. Until month ago, I was subscribed to ELLE magazine, which I loved reading while drinking my morning coffee.


5. Koju si knjigu poslednju pročitala?

U procesu sam čitanja Paper Towns od Džona Grina.

5. What was the last book you’ve read?

I’m currently reading Paper Towns by John Green.


6. Idealno mesto za život?

Neki multimilionski grad sa hladnijom klimom gde bih imala mogućnost da živim u penthausu sa pristupom krovu.

6. What’s an ideal place to live?

I’d love to live in a metropolis with cooler climate where I would be able to rent or buy a penthouse with access to the roof. 


7. More ili planina? Zašto?

Pošto je već opštepoznato da ne podnosim vrućinu i leto generalno, more mi ne deluje kao najprimamljivija opcija. Volim da se okupam, ali mi sve to brzo dosadi. Zimovanje na nekoj planini je, uz skijanje i ostale zimske sportove, mnogo prihvatljivije.

7.Do you prefer the sea or the mountain? Why?

Since it’s pretty much a known fact that I hate hot weather and summer in general, having a vacation at the seaside doesn’t sound too appealing. I like to swim around for a while, but I don’t think I could stand to be at the seaside for more than 7 days. On the other hand, having a winter holiday at the mountains sound much better, because of skiing and other winter sports. 


8. Šta te najviše nervira kod šminkanja?

Najviše me nervira momenat kad se vratim kući mrtva umorna i onda treba da skinem šminku pre spavanja. Takođe, kod drugih me mali milion stvari iritira što se tiče šminkanja, ali je to najbolje da ostavim za poseban post.

8. What’s the most annoying thing when it comes to makeup?

The most annoying thing when it comes to makeup is taking your makeup off at the end of the day.


9. Omiljena pesma?

Samo ću reći da mi se poslednjih dana vrti novi album od Florence + The Machine na repeat. Ako niste, obavezno preslušajte.

9. Favorite song?

I’ll just say that Florence + The Machine’s new album has been constantly on repeat during past few days. If you haven’t, give it a go.


10. Da snimaju film o tebi, ko bi te glumio?

Zaista ne znam. Rečeno mi je u par navrata da podsećam na nekoliko glumica, ali nisam preterano razmišljala o tome ko bi mogao da na najbolji način izvuče moj lik. Ako neko ima ideju, nek’ mi ostavi komentar.

10. If they were to film your biopic, who would be cast as you? 

I really don’t know. Some people have told me that I resemble a couple of actresses, but I’m not sure which one would do the best job. 

Moja pitanja:

  1. Sa koliko godina si počela da se šminkaš i kako?
  2. Koji fiktivni lik ti je najsličniji po karakteru?
  3. Da moraš do kraja života da koristiš jedan mejkap brend, koji bi to bio?
  4. Omiljeni citat iz knjige?
  5. Koje Youtube najviše voliš da gledaš?
  6. Pet omiljenih albuma?
  7. Koja poznata ličnost ti je uzor u oblačenju?
  8. Koje je značenje imena tvog bloga?
  9. Jedan komad odeće bez kojeg ne možeš?
  10. Pet stvari koje se nalaze u tvom neseseru svaki dan?

My questions:

  1. At what age did you start putting makeup?
  2. What fictional character resembles you the most?
  3. If you were to use one makeup brand till the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  4. Favorite book quote?
  5. What Youtubers do you enjoy watching the most?
  6. Five favorite albums?
  7. What celebrity is your fashion icon?
  8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
  9. Which clothing piece is your staple?
  10. Five things you always carry in your makeup bag?

Nominujem sledeće blogerke:

I am nominating these 5 lovely ladies:

Ilonu sa http://makeupbyilona.blogspot.rs/

Ivu sa http://www.thecasualprincess.com/

Tanju sa http://www.unlmtd-beauty.blogspot.de/

Lenu sa http://www.pirlitanje.com/

Veru sa https://accordingtovera.wordpress.com/

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂


Jesen je moje omiljeno godišnje doba. Kako odmiču dani avgustu, mene hvata ponovo neka euforija koja se svake godine krajem leta manifestuje preteranim gledanjem Back to School i Fall Haul videa na Youtube-u i isprobavanja različitih odevnih i mejkap kombinacija za predstojeće hladnije dane.

Fall is my favorite season. As the days go by and August slowly comes to an end, I am struck with this weird euphoria which I feel every year at the end of the summer. It manifests in my case in binge watching Back to School and Fall Haul videos on Youtube and trying out different clothing and makeup looks for the upcoming season. 

Jaču šminku tokom leta izbegavam, pa ne mogu da dočekam da dođu hladniji meseci da mogu da koristim tamnije senke bez bojazni da će se izmrljati posle pola sata na visokim temperaturama.

I avoid heavy makeup during the summer as much as I can, so I can’t wait for colder weather to use darker eyeshadows without fearing that they will smudge after half an hour due to high temperatures.

Danas sam odlučila da u susret predstojećem godišnjem dobu odradim jedan Look of The Day u kojem dominiraju tople, jesenje boje. Kad pomislim na jesen, pomislim na bogate zlatne i ljučaste nijanse, pa sam oči upravo ovim nijansama i našminkala. Na celom kapku imam Rimmelovu senku u nekoj toplo ljubičastoj boji rđe, dok sam za otvaranje oka koristila Sephorinu šimerastu, zlatnu senku. Zatim sam tankom linijom uokvirila gornji kapak crnim, tečnim eyelinerom i nanela jedan sloj maskare na trepavice. Da bih upotpunila izgled nanela sam i mauve karmin od Golden Rose-a u nijansi 73.

Today I have decided to use autumn colors as inspiration for this Look of The Day. When I think about autumn, I think of rich gold’s and deep, warm purple’s, so I used purple-golden combo for this look. Over my whole eyelid I’ve put Rimmel’s warm rusty purple eyeshadow and used Sephora’s shimmery golden one in my inner corners to visually open my eyes a bit. Then I lined my eyes with a thin line of black eyeliner and added one coat of mascara to my lashes. To complete the whole look, I used my mauve lipstick by Golden Rose in the shade 73.

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Taken with Lumia Selfie

Koji je vaš omiljeni način šminkanja tokom jeseni?

What’s your favorite makeup look during autumn?

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂


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Danas ću vam malo pričati o rutini sređivanja obrva od čupkanja do popunjavanja olovkom. Spomenula sam vam u prošlom postu da sam imala neslavnu prošlost sa čupanjem obrva, te se sada tokom njihovog sređivanja posebno koncentrišem da ne zeznem nešto kao ranije. Za razliku od prethodnih godina, količina dlačica koje uklonim je mnogo manja i uglavnom se trudim da održavam luk obrva, a ostatak da ostavim da raste prirodno.

Na slici su moje nesređene obrve, kojima je posle otprilike 7 dana preko potrebno čupkanje.

Today I will be talking about my eyebrow routine, from plucking to filling in with an eyebrow pencil. I mentioned in my last post that I don’t have a very positive experience with doing my own eyebrows, so now I am putting extra effort in order not to fuck them up. Unlike a few years back, the amount of hair that I pluck while maintaining my eyebrows is a lot smaller and focused mostly at defining my arch while letting the rest of my eyebrow grow naturally.

As you can see in the picture bellow, these are my eyebrows without any product, which need grooming badly. 


Prvi korak koji preduzimam je odstranjivanje suvišnih dlačica pincetom, pazeći da otklonim samo one dlačice koje rastu na spolašnjoj strani obrve tj. kod luka, dok unutrašnji deo obrve ne diram zato što sam konačno uspela da ga pustim da dostigne svoju prirodnu debljinu.

First step in my eyebrow routine is plucking the excess hairs with metal tweezers, being careful to remove only those hairs that are growing in the outward corner of my eyebrow and beneath the arch. I am not plucking any hairs in the inner corner of my eyebrow, since I’ve finally grown them to their natural width. 


Posle uklanjanja dlačica, krećem da popunjavam obrve AURINOM olovkom za obrve u nijansi 01 (recenziju možete pročitati ovde) koja je neka tamno siva boja koja se odlično uklapa sa mojoj prirodnom bojom kose. Obrve popunjavam tako što prvo uobličim spoljašnji deo obrve, kao i njen luk, koji malo jače naglasim tako što olovku jače pritisnem. Ovo daje mojim obrvama oštriji izgled i lepo se uklapa uz jaču šminku.

After tweezing comes the filling in with an eyebrow pencil. The one I’m using here is one from AURA in the shade 01 which is a darker grey color which blends in perfectly with my natural eyebrow color (you can read the review here). Firstly I define my arch and outer corner of my eyebrow which I fill in with bolder strokes since I want to achieve more defined edges. This gives me bolder, sharper eyebrows, which look great with darker makeup.


Posle popunjavanja i naglašavanja spoljašnjeg dela obrve, sitnim potezima povlačim liniju sa donje i sa gornje strane obrve da bih naglasila njihov oblik. Takođe spajam centralni deo obrve sa lukom kratkim i blagim potezima i tako popunjavam praznine.

After filling in and defining the outer corner of my eyebrow, I start making the overall shape. With quick, small strokes I define the angle of my eyebrow and fill in blank spaces. 


Zatim sasvim ovlaš, kratkim potezima popunjavam unutrašnji deo obrve, vodeći računa da pratim prirodni smer rasta dlačica da bih izbegla da mi obrve deluju četvrtasto. Poslednji korak je da obrve malo začešljam onom četkicom za obrve i gotovo. Uz ovu olovku nije potrebno nanositi neki drugi proizvod preko obrva, pošto sadrže vosak u sebi i obezbeđuju da obrve duže vreme ne mrdaju.

Last step is filling in the inner corner of the eyebrow with soft strokes, being careful not to make them look square and unnatural. After that I just brush them through with the small brush on the cap of the eyebrow pencil. One of the ingredients of this pencil is wax, so you don’t have to worry that your eyebrows will move during the day. 

Ovako izgleda gotov look.

And this is the final look.


Kako vi sređujete svoje obrve i koje proizvode koristite za tu namenu?

What is your eyebrow routine and which products do you use?

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂


Da bih unela malo dinamike i raznolikosti na blog, odlučila sam da uvedem novu rubriku pod nazivom Honest Thursdays gde ću vam, pogodili ste, četvrtkom pričati malo o sebi. Prvi post u nizu započinjem pisanjem o greškama u nezi i šminkanju koje sam pravila tokom tinejdžerskih godina.

In order to make my blog a little bit more dynamic, I’ve decided to start a new post type named Honest Thursdays where I will, you guessed it, talk little bit about myself on Thursdays. First post of this kind is about makeup and beauty mistakes I made when I was a teenager. 

Moje rane tinejdžerske godine su bile prilično burne. Kao i većina mladih u tom uzrastu, veoma sam se loše osećala u svojoj koži i pokušavala na različite načine da kanališem svoje nezadovoljstvo, od kojih je promena načina oblačenja i stavljanje napadne šminke bio samo jedan od njih. Počela sam da se svakodnevno šminkam veoma rano, mislim da je bio u pitanju 6. razred osnovne škole, tj. 12 godina. Od tada sam prošla kroz razne periode eksperimentisanja sa različitim načinima šminkanja – od pretamne šminke kojom sam iskazivala svoj bunt u osnovnoj školi, preko šarene šminke za oči na početku srednje, do neutralnog “no makeup makeup” izgleda koji mi najviše odgovara u svakodnevnoj varijanti.

My early teens were very rough for me. As most teenagers, I felt very bad in my own skin and hated the way I looked, so I tried to channel my angst and dissatisfaction through changing my clothing style and putting a lot of dark makeup on my face. I started using makeup on an every day basis pretty early. I was in my sixth grade and were only 12 at the time. Since then I went through many stages of experimenting with my makeup: from too dark and heavy makeup in elementary school, to colorful eye makeup in high school  and  neutral “no makeup makeup” look which I am fond of in college.

Nekoliko grešaka koje sam pravila u nezi kože i šminkanju koje bih posebno sebi zamerila tokom odrastanja su:

A couple of makeup and beauty mistakes I made during my teens that I regret are:

  1. Grickanje noktiju / Bitting my nails

Ovu ružnu naviku sam vukla još od svoje 4. godine i uspela sam da je se rešim tek u 17. godini kad sam odlučila sam krenem na izlivanje noktiju. Sećam se da je devojka koja mi je radila nokte bila šokirana u kojem stanju su mi nokti i da je mislila da nikako neće moći da ih sredi. Izlivanje i kasnije ojačavanje noktiju sam radila skoro godinu i po dana i tokom tog perioda oni su se skroz oporavili. Sada se trudim da ih održavam sama na nekoj normalnoj dužini, što mi za sada uspeva.

I picked up this bad habit during my early childhood and have been biting my nails from age 4 to age 17. At 17 I started doing nails extensions or gel nails as they are popularly called. The girl who did my nails was shocked with the state of them and feared that she couldn’t even put extension on my nails since they were too short. Over the span of year and a half my nails completely recovered. Right now, I don’t have gel nails anymore and am trying to maintain them myself.


(Slika mojih noktiju iz 2011. godine, ujedno i prvi put da sam imala zapravo nokte)

(My first gel nails in 2011 and also the first time I actually had nails)

2. Neadekvatna nega kože lica / Inadequate skin care

Mlada i problematična koža zahteva posebnu negu, što ja u svojim mlađim godinama nikako nisam poštovala. Kada imate 13-14 godina sasvim je normalno da imate masniju kožu koja je podložna bubuljicama, a takvoj koži su potrebni preparati koji bi sanirali posledice puberteta i omogućili prevenciju nastanku novih nepravilnosti. Nikad nisam imala velike probleme sa kožom, ali mi je krivo što u nekom momentu nisam otišla kod dermatologa i dobila savet kako da pravilno čistim svoju kožu, jer sam upravo zbog neadekvatnog čišćenja i izazvala sebi veći deo problema (čistila sam lice običnim sapunom, šta da vam kažem).

Young and problematic skin requires special care and special product, which I didn’t quite know when I was younger. When you are 13 or 14, it’s normal to have oily, acne prone skin. This skin type requires products who will take care of production of sebum and prevent further inflammation and acne. I have never had big problems with my skin, but I do with I had gone to dermatologist at some point and got advice on how to properly clean and care about my skin.

young beautiful healthy woman and reflection in the mirror

3. Spavanje sa šminkom / Sleeping with makeup

Priznajem da mi se i dalje desi da legnem na spavanje, a da nisam odstranila svu šminku sa lica, ali to se desi jednom, dvaput u toku godine kad sam premorena od neke žurke. Kad sam bila u osnovnoj školi, nije mi uopšte bio problem da odem na spavanje sa kompletno našminkanim očima, da prespavam sa šminkom i sledeći dan odem takva u školu. Ova greška se direktno nadovezuje na prethodnu, jer zbog ovog neskidanja šminke sam sebi izazvala mnoge probleme na koži.

I have to admit that this still happens to me once in a while, but I have reduced it to twice a year or so, since I am usually not that tired to forget to remove makeup from my face. When I was in elementary school, I had no problem with sleeping with makeup and then going to school with the same, smudged makeup I have put on yesterday. This mistake was responsible for most of my skin problems during this period.  


4. Previše iščupane obrve / Over-plucked eyebrows

Obrve sam počela da čupam tek sa 14 godina i to sama, što je nešto što sebi neću oprostiti. Ne znam šta me je nateralo da uzmem pincetu u svoje ruke i ostavim sebi jednu tanku, skoro nevidljivu liniju koju sam zvala obrve. Napomenuću takođe da sam nekada znala da otfikarim i onaj deo obrve kod korena nosa, pa sam tako išla sa em tankim, em kratkim obrvama dok mi nije došlo iz pozadine u glavu da nešto moram da promenim.

I started plucking my eyebrows by myself when I was 14, which is something I won’t ever forgive myself. I have no idea what made me pluck the crap out of my naturally bushy eyebrows and leave one arched and very thin line that I called eyebrows now. To make things even worse, I used to accidentally pluck the inner corners of my eyebrows too much, so I basically had at one point two halves of eyebrows.


over plucked brows

5. Pretaman tečni puder / Darker foundation than skin tone

Imam izuzetno svetlu kožu, u nivou MAC-ovog NC 15 tečnog pudera. Naći pravu nijansu pudera, pa i korektora je jako nezgodno, s obzirom da na našem tržištu nema mnogo pudera u drogerijskom rangu sa nijansama koje bi meni odgovarale. Godinama sam muku mučila sa tečnim puderima, pošto sam ih jedno vreme svakodnevno koristila. Kroz moj neseser su prolazili razni puderi od kojih nijedan nije bio dovoljno svetao i od kojih je svaki bio upadljivo žut. Imala sam 2 Garnierove BB kreme, Bourjous Healthy Mix u nijansi 52 u koji se svi kunu, L’orealov Matte Magique u nijansi Rose Ivory i Avonov Calming Effects u najsvetlijoj nijansi. Sa svakim sam izgledala previše žuto/narandžasto i nije mi jasno kako sam ih uopšte toliko dugo i koristila. Sada kada sam prestala da koristim tečne pudere, shvatila sam koliko je lakše jednostavno ne razmišljati da li ćete potrefiti pravu nijansu ili ne.

My skin is extremely pale in the range of MAC’s NC 15 liquid foundation. Not only is it pale, but I have a cold undertone to my skin which makes shopping for foundations and concealer a real pain in the ass. Our market isn’t very kind to people with much too pale or dark skin. If your skin is paler than average, you’ll be having a hard time finding the right product for yourself in the drugstore range. I had so many foundations and none of them was quite right: two Garnier BB cream in shade light, Bourjous Healthy Mix in shade 52 Vanilla, L’oreal Matte Magique in shade Rose Ivory and Avon’s Calming Effects in their lightest shade. With every foundation I’ve ever bought, my face looked too orange or too yellow, so I stopped using foundation alltogether at some point. 



6. Neuredno i napadno našminkane oči / Messy and heavy eye makeup

Kao što sam gore spomenula, počela sam sa šminkanjem sa 12 godina. Kako sam tada i dalje bila u osnovnoj školi, reakcije na moj pokušaj smokey eyes-a nisu bile blagonaklone. Nastavnici su me, na ne baš suptilan način kritikovali i zahtevali da ne dolazim našminkana u školu, što mene nije posebno interesovalo pošto sam tvrdoglavo nastavila sa traćkanjem crnog krejona i tamnih senki na kapke. Sa ove distance, shvatam da sam preterivala, ali smatram da svako mora da prođe kroz neku fazu koje će se možda malčice kasnije stideti da bi kasnije naučio na svojim greškama.

As I said before, I have started using makeup on an every day basis when I was 12. Since I was still in elementary school back then, reactions to my sloppy smokey eye look weren’t very positive. Teachers criticized me for this all the time and demanded that I stop wearing makeup to school, which I didn’t give a damn at the moment. I simply continued putting large amounts of black kohl eye pencil and dark eyeshadows. I probably thought it looked super edgy and rebellious. Now I understand it was a bit too much, but I am glad I went through this experimental phase since I have learned a lot on my own mistakes. rby-most-memorable-2010-taylor-momsen-eyes-104372707-de-86830307


Kakve ste vi greške u šminkanju i nezi pravili tokom odrastanja? Kako vam se sviđa ova rubrika i da li vam je zanimljivo da čitate tekstove o mojim ličnim iskustvima?

Which makeup and beauty mistakes have you made during your teenage years? Do you like these kinds of posts and would you like to read more about my experiences?

Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂


Od kako pratim mejkap blogove, primetila sam da postoji kategorija proizvoda koji od skoro svake blogerke dobijaju samo reči hvale. ESSENCE-ove olovke za usne, o kojima je i današnji post, spadaju u ovu kategoriju proizvoda koji se moraju isprobati.

Since I started following makeup blogs, I’ve noticed that there are some products that get extremely positive reviews and fall into category of MUST HAVE products. Essence lip liners, which I’ll be talking about today, definitely fit the description. 

Na ESSENCE-ovom sajtu stoji da je u prodaji 9 nijansi, po preporučenoj ceni od 129 dinara, što je za bilo koji komad šminke zaista smešna cena. Neke nijanse je skoro pa nemoguće naći u drogerijama, pošto se pokupuju brzinom svetlosti, tako da najčešće ostaju tamne boje na rafovima.

There are 9 shades available of Essences web site which cost 129 RSD per piece (about one Euro of 2 Dollars), which you gotta admit is almost silly how cheap it is. More popular shades tend to sell out really fast, so the usual shades that you’ll find are the darker ones. 

Na ovoj slici se vidi pregled svih nijansi, dostupnih u Srbiji, od kojih ću vam pričati u ovom postu o jarko crvenoj Femme Fatale i tamno nude Soft Berry.

As you can see on the picture bellow, these are the 9 shades available in Serbia. Today I’ll talk to you about  true red Femme Fatale and dark nude Soft Berry.

Slika preuzeta od blogokoleginice sa bloga Lipstick Attack. 



Olovke dolaze u standardnom pakovanju sa plastičnim poklopcem i imaju svaka po 1 gram. Ako se plašite da nećete uspeti da istrošite olovke pre nego što im prođe rok upotrebe, verujem da sa ovim olovkama nećete imati problema, pošto su veoma meke i lake za nanošenje. Rok trajanja naznačen na pakovanju je 36 meseci. Tokom aplikacije proizvoda, olovke ostavljaju glatke poteze, ne krune se, niti sam primetila da se lome. Preporučljivo je da ih zarezujete oštrim rezačem da biste dobili preciznije rezultate, ali ako to ne uspete, možete se solidno našminkati i sa tupljom olovkom.

Lip liners come in standard packaging with a plastic lid and each has one gram. If you are one of those people who are afraid that they wont be able to use up the product before the expiration date, don’t worry, these lip liners are super creamy and easy to apply. The expiration date is 36 months so you’ll have just enough time to get most of this product. During the application, the liner glides easily across the lips and leaves a very pigmented trace. Liners don’t break easily and leave a consistent color on the lips. If you’re looking for more precise application, do sharpen your lip liners before use. DSCN6002

Olovke odlično pokrivaju usne i ostavljaju polu mat finiš, s obzirom na to da su masnije. Ako imate suve usne, najbolje je odraditi blagi piling pre nanošenja proizvoda da ne bi isticao suve delove. Trajnost ovim olovkama nije jača strana. Stoje na usnama oko 3 i po, 4 sata uz pretpostavku da ne jedete ništa. S obzirom na njihovu cenu, ovo je skroz očekivano, pa ako želite da im produžite trajnost, nanesite preko njih karmin u sličnoj nijansi i matirajte ga providnim puderom.

These lip liners have great coverage and leave a semi-mat finish, since they are more on the soft side. If your lips are chapped of dry, do a lip pilling before application of this product for better results. The only thing that isn’t very good with these liners is their durability. They stay on the lips for about 3 or 4 hours (considering you haven’t eaten or drank anything). Overall, these lip liners have an amazing price-quality ratio and even though they might not be the most consistent liners, they are worth every penny.


Na slici je moja prirodna boja usana, bez ikakvih nanetih proizvoda.

On the picture above is my natural lip color, without any products.

Prva nijansa je jarko crvena nijansa 14 Femme Fatale. Ovo je jedna od onih nijansi koje će svima lepo stajati bez obzira na boju kose i kože. Na ovakvu boju pomislim kad neko kaže True Red ili Hollywood Red boja.

First one that I’ve bought is in the shade 14 Femme Fatale. This is one of those colors that work on almost anybody. First thing that pops into my mind when describing this color is True Red of Hollywood Red. 
DSCN6007Druga nijansa koju sam krajnje impulsivno kupila u DM-u pre nekoliko dana je u nijansi 05 Soft Berry, koja je pravi kameleon od nijanse. Svaki put kad je nanesem imam osećaj da je drugačija boja u pitanju. Boja je tamno nude, nešto između ljubičaste i braon, odlična za jesen i zimu. Podseća na one nijanse koje je popularizovala Kylie Jenner, tako da ako vam je potrebna neka boja kojom biste iskopirali taj trend, ovo bi moglo da posluži.

Second shade is 05 Soft Berry and it is one the most unique shades that I own. It looks different on every woman. When I first bought it, I was really confused and couldn’t describe the color properly. One moment it looked more purple, the next it looked kind of brown. To be fair, I’d say it’s a dark nude color, just in between purple and brown. If you’re looking for a nude shade which resembles ones that Kylie Jenner is wearing, this might just work. 

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Do sledećeg posta,

Sandra. 🙂

‘Till next post,

Sandra. 🙂

Sandra. 🙂